p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Saturday August 22nd 2009, 10:55 pm

(July 14) The rest of the trip to Williamsburg.

the river

subway on bridge
There’s a good view of the trains going across the bridge here.

water view skyline
The view of midtown

east river
The view toward Brooklyn

twilight empire state building
Twilight settles over Manhattan

williamsburg under the bridge
I love going to places with sidewalk seating

yes, i'm on it now

balloon loft
I’d love to have a place like this.

graffitti in progress
When I got back home, they were repainting this place

Saturday August 08th 2009, 10:30 pm

(July 14) I decided to walk to Williamsburg over the bridge, at sunset.

delancey st.
I decided to start in Manhattan, so I took the subway to Delancey.

toward the williamsburg bridge
It puts you about a block from the bridge walkway.

the esb
A common sight on this site.

surrounding neighborhood
One of my favorite things about walking the bridges is the view of the neighborhoods.

across the river, toward billyburg
The view of Brooklyn in the distance.

the cage of boo!
Unfortunately, much of the view is defaced by this chicken coop.

spiral staircase
I wouldn’t mind taking photos from that staircase.

fdr drive
The Fucking Disaster Road Drive.

williamsburg bridge
Looking up at the bridge.

Sunday August 02nd 2009, 1:56 am

The blimp was out filming the golf tournament that was clogging my trains with obnoxious drunk fratboys and former fratboys.
(That spot annoys the shit out of me, yet I’m not going to fix it.)

trumpet vine
I grew up with these all around.

These were in a garden approaching Atlantic Ave. & Flatbush Ave. I had to look twice to believe what I was seeing.

hanging out
The gardens on Carroll St. in Carroll Gardens really do remind me of suburbia.

now playing.... church ave for a limited multi-year engagement
Typical of MTA construction, it’s going to take so long to complete, they changed all the permanent signage on the whole line.

peeling ceiling
This however, is not part of what they’re going to be fixing.

Wednesday July 22nd 2009, 10:38 pm

(June 20) A few shots from the subway station, and people.

track 2
My back hurt, it was time to leave the Mermaid Parade.

walkway love
Not the makeout tunnel, but it was today.

the never ending fan

subway cyclist


funny roof



Sometimes I post the blurry ones because I like the way they look, sometimes because it’s all I have.

Friday July 17th 2009, 9:30 pm

(June 20) Despite the rain, I was determined to see the Mermaid Parade. When I got there, I got close to the street, but this girl in front of me leaned her umbrella forward so that it was hard to see, when she wasn’t bashing other people in the head with it.

There were a lot of people here for a parade in the rain.

that coaster's got legs
Tim knows all about the rollercoaster of love.

the march of the pirates
The pirates were at the beach instead of the bay.

the rent me! truck
Unsurprisingly, the Marty Markowitz contingent was present and accounted for.

we all scream
Hot tar sundaes, a New York City tradition.

it's red, jim
A subtle car, for a subtle parade.

Out of work models want you to show you their tits.

that's actually not her natural hair color
Junior mermaid

ladies and hot dogs
Shakin it.

barefoot pirate
I’ll bet he had sore feet when it was over.