p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Sunday November 23rd 2008, 1:09 am

(October 24 & November 19) I’ve been spending a lot more time in Port Jefferson than I really care to. The commuting isn’t cheap either. Though it has changed quite a bit from my personal standpoint, in most ways, it’s exactly the same, except a little worse for wear.

what a mess
Wires, wires, and more wires.

this means you!
Apparently morons, dumb, and the uneducated no longer have to stop here,
which is good since they weren’t stopping before.

looks like allergies to me
This is new, whatever it is.

railroad tracks
Change comes slowly to the LIRR.

railroad tracks
Especially west of the station.

vanquished weathervane
The weathervane succumbed to a storm.

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