We often think of life as moving in rather sharply-defined, straight directions. I thik this is an oversimplification born of how we recall memories at a later time. If asked to draw a map, most of us would not remember many subtle or even radical changes that take place in the route. We will first tend to think in straight lines, including only the most radical aberrations.
Memory also fails to account for changes on the ground.

Those who alter your path may not be out to get you, but perhaps just as bad, they simply don’t give a shit. Their indifference may be just as harmful to you on any given day.

Still, there are often signs about, placed there by those who’ve gone before. They give warnings of all kinds.

Sometimes the guidance you need is there, if you care to see it.

It sure would be nice to know in advance when your life is going to be turned upside-down, wouldn’t it?

A gentle nudge in the right direction would be nice every now and then.

Whenever possible, it’s nice to avoid having everything come to a complete halt.