p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Saturday January 24th 2009, 3:24 pm
Filed under: General

With Adam in town for a rare visit, we went out to dinner at Sala 19.

$80 worth of wine?!
Larry knows Tony knows food.
And that every word Tony tells you is absolutely true.

mmm. bacon!
It was discovered that bacon defeats vegetarianism.

red yellow red
Lunar New Year! I should get pictures in Chinatown…

I’ve never paid any attention to this before.

Thursday December 04th 2008, 3:32 am
Filed under: General

(December 3) This week, helped a friend move, saw Dorkbot.

Kosciuszko Street
One last trip to Bushwick.

The MTA is broken. Very very broken.

of course i do, i'm a boy.
Big junk.

a scandal about someone's junk
Big scandal.

slide shows!
It’s not really showing slides.

(it's splatters!)
Which more or less boils down to….

not random at all

it's made of movies!
and this.

viza's kind of graffitti
Next to the junk truck, we have the cheeky booty.

chrysler building
I love the cobblestone streets.

Saturday November 29th 2008, 12:00 am
Filed under: General

(November 23) In what is likely to be the last expedition for November, I headed from the Tree Huts in Madison Square Park to the Roosevelt Island Tram terminal to see Dylan Mortimer’s Prayer Booths. I got there just in time not to see them assembled, which was a bummer in that I saw one of them enough that I’m not likely to spend the time and money to go back. Allow me to say once again, that I despise Standard Time.

phone booth
These, are the sorry excuses (kiosks) for what passes for a phone booth these days.
Above, are from our local telephone monster, Verizon.

prayer kiosk
This, would be most of a Prayer Booth. Apparently he takes them in at night, possibly due to the graffitti.
Although to be honest, the graffitti stain adds an authenticity to the Prayer Booths that would have been otherwise absent given nothing else around here is free from some kind of …. urban weathering.


In keeping with my previous Astroland theme, I probably won’t go back to see them in an assembled condition, but now that I’ve said that,….

As of now, for the first time in months, there’s nothing left in the queue here.

Friday November 28th 2008, 12:45 am
Filed under: General

(November 12 & 15) I don’t think there had been any “unorganized” protest marches in this city since my arrival, but during the week of November 12 there were two.

The first was at night, in midtown Manhattan.

street closed
It shut down Broadway.

Three days later, there was another, this one downtown.

It sort of shut down Broadway.

I couldn’t tell how big this one was.

Thursday November 27th 2008, 2:33 am
Filed under: General

(October 31) After long last, I finally made it to the NYC Halloween Parade. Another disappointing trip into the darkness with my camera. It’s really the flash that kills me I think, since I get decent shots when other people’s flashes are lighting things up.

As I waited for the connecting subway, I saw the Grim Reaper.
(Blurry, but that’s the shot I got.)

It moves along pretty quickly once it starts, all things considered.

It’s not Halloween without ghosts.

teh scaries
To be in this parade, you just show up, in costume.

Even ZipCars dressed up.

klaatu barada nikto!
There were robots.

where's pc?
Mac was there too.

he put the puck between the goalposts
And I got to see Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin.

banana split, anyone?
These guys were a little bananas.