p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Monday June 15th 2009, 5:00 am
Filed under: General

(May 26) I stepped out of the subway, looked around, and this is what I found.

Another protest

I got out in front of it

california prop 8 protest

gilbert baker banner
Yes You Can, No You Can’t

obama quote
Of course when he said those things, he wasn’t President of the USA.

fuck prop 8
That’s three now.

Saturday June 13th 2009, 1:19 am
Filed under: General

(May 26) I got off the 1 at the Christopher Street, Sheridan Square station. The rule I’ve been working from is to stop and photograph whatever public art I find in the station, whether it’s a planned stop or not.


lee brozgold & the students of ps 41

the Greenwich village murals

christopher st.

sheridan square

subway art

Thursday June 11th 2009, 1:19 am
Filed under: General

(May 26) I needed to change at Whitehall, South Ferry and found another surprise.

tree mosaic

whitehall station

south ferry station

wall of branches


mosaic map

brown maple leaf

Tuesday June 02nd 2009, 3:27 am
Filed under: General

(May 16) I needed to go for a walk.

a case of crabs
I was feeling crabby, but I had a better day than these guys.

whatever those signs say
I went to Chinatown.

though what you get for that...
Where you can still get a $5 haircut.

It’s a very interesting neighborhood, and I haven’t seen much of it yet.

i couldn't read a thing
I think this is the neighborhood signpost.

manhattan bridge
As usual, dusk was settling into evening.

This seemed to have captured everyone’s attention.

an ending
The Hong Kong Supermarket had burned down.

Thursday April 23rd 2009, 2:50 am
Filed under: General

I needed to try and come up with some ideas, so last week I went bridge-walking. I ended up walking off at the end of the bridge and all the way home. Only generated one interesting idea.

what else would you call it?
The journey this time, started on the Manhattan side.

the view from above
I find the parts of the bridge over land are actually more interesting views.

manhattan bridge footpath
The one thing you don’t get a good view of from the bridge, is the bridge.

brooklyn bridge, & fdr drive
I like how the light reflects off the water here.

the cheesecake capital of the universe
The bridge portion of his trip “officially” ended not at the gift shop, but at (the outside of) Junior’s.