p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Tuesday April 21st 2009, 9:19 pm
Filed under: General

Multiple Computer FAIL.

totally 80's
More night photos.

they'll get right on that
They follow directions excellently.

I missed the train by less than 60 seconds. Yay.

friday evening traffic
Evening in TriBeCa.

don't forget to bring a port-a-potty!
What lurks beyond the wire grate?

Saturday March 14th 2009, 7:46 pm
Filed under: General

he's a happy guy
Union Square

hong se xiāo
Jefferson St.

Thursday March 12th 2009, 9:22 pm
Filed under: General

Subway travel mistakes turn into photo opportunities, if you have your camera.

Now with case sensitivity!

mankind will destroy us all
There were a lot of mosaic pieces in this station complex.

there's plenty of dripping water in a subway station

oh boy, a story!



Thursday March 05th 2009, 4:16 am
Filed under: General

No Dorkbot for me this month. Larry invited me to tag along at an art exhibition.

On the way to the Armory, I passed this collection of dismembered cattle.

Apparently you could go inside, but there wasn’t time.

it looks like a vagina, right?
There were paintings.

this looks like the prize in the new hip teen version of cracker jack
There were naked women.

a little bit of burning man in new york city?
There were machines.

spinny lighty thingy
(click on this one to see it in action)

bring me the skull of the golden child!
There were skulls.

There were anatomically correct sleeping figures.

There were skeletons.

teeny, tiny, peoples
And there were people.

Monday February 09th 2009, 12:47 am
Filed under: General

It’s February, it must be Dorkbot. It appears that Valentine’s Day is on-deck.

product of the torch machine thing
Made with plasma

The Linuxization of the Gadgetry

the tell-tale hearts
They’ve got a lotta heart