p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Friday August 24th 2012, 12:53 am
Filed under: General

(Jun 25) June ends with first harvest.

ladies and gentlemen...
Lisa presents

the squash
My first vegetable of the season

really really pours
“When it rains, it pours.”

Through the shielding from wind glass

one world trade center
My travels in NYC have become rather limited

Friday September 18th 2009, 8:00 pm
Filed under: General

(August 15) I met Tony at the Union Square farmer’s market to look at tomatoes. The mission was specifically about tomatoes, but also any other sort of business built around nature’s bounties.

There were a fair amount of tomatoes here, but none you’d call a bargain.

coffee bar
Other ideas came to mind as well.

bugs don't dig the cedar
I’d been thinking about this myself.

This seemed out of place somehow.

shiny building

gotta be a gehry (it is)
On sight, I thought “That’s gotta be a Gehry”, and indeed it is. I was unaware of either the building or who IAC was. Sorry Barry.

the river that protects us from new jersey
Looking out across the Hudson River

chair art
The practicality of New York

table art
Functional public art. Have a seat next to Tony.

Saturday June 20th 2009, 9:57 pm
Filed under: General

(May 31) Went back out to take in the event known as Manhattanhenge.

playground and bridge
I found the magic spot!

manhattanhenge on 42nd st.

manhattanhenge crowd
A small crowd gathered here at the bridge over 42nd St.

manhattanhenge on 42nd st.

manhattanhenge on 42nd st.

manhattanhenge on 42nd st.

manhattanhenge on 42nd st.

manhattanhenge on 42nd st.

manhattanhenge on 42nd st.
Back down at street level, slightly after the event

manhattanhenge on 42nd st.
There’s a good view of the Chrysler Building here

manhattanhenge on 42nd st.
And then it was over, until July.

Friday June 19th 2009, 1:20 am
Filed under: General

(May 30) Scoping out a celestial event taking place on the 30th and the 31st.

plane killers
The geese were on patrol, seeking their revenge on Capt. Sullenberger.

ima scareds
99 cent pizza!?

not manhattanhenge
If I hadn’t missed it, I would have seen something here


the bright lights of 42nd st. in twilight
This made me think of Deejay.

Thursday April 30th 2009, 2:13 am
Filed under: General

Although the fares haven’t gone up yet, the subway is already too expensive. I predict walking is going to be on the rise.

ha ha
Someone was in too much of a hurry though.

where's whatah?
I decided to walk from the Financial District to the West Village to save $2

carrier hotel
I hoped to get a few photos

But I suddenly found myself at the library with only these.