(Apr 20) This post was Snoop-approved.
The wearer was a very friendly tourist/student.
Someone’s having a shitty evening
Would you like some raccoon with your beer?
Seeing this on my phone, I couldn’t resist saving it.
(Sep 17) Emptying the queue.
He’s gotten a little attached to me
I run into a lot of lost toys around here
He only reluctantly shares this space with Romeo
I had a Walter White moment and realized how to freeze water in glass jars
Welcome to the Wall of Foamers
(May 25) I don’t know where this month went. It seems to have been largely consumed by drama in the house. The housemate with the screaming, crying, children will be gone June 1. Those kids are doomed. Doomed. Even their father has given up on them already and they’re only seven and eight.
This time, Junior didn’t get canned.
Romeo continues to lead a hard life
Back in one of the most familiar places
It’s not as tall as the Twin Towers, unless you count the oversized pole on the roof. It’s not even going to be the tallest in the city. But finally, that’s as tall as it’s going to get, and the pole is on the roof.
(Apr 25) You thought March was over. We lied. But April too. Honest!
April started with reality TV stars in my midst
Does it look like it changed any since the one above?
(Feb 28) A whole lot of nothing. Been sick. Mission now… make things happen in March.
Rolling along, same ol’ same old.
Passing under the action. Or the lack thereof.