p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Friday July 10th 2009, 12:51 am
Filed under: General

The non-event parts of June.

union st. sign of strangeness
The strange sign person was feelin groovy.

the tweets of uselesness
Twitter was completely useless. Before Iran at least.

gravy ingredients
There was “gravy”.

the urinwall
This still claimed not to be a urinal. The evidence still claimed otherwise.

sad sad url
There was URL fail.

you smell the honeysuckle before you see it
There was honeysuckle in Port Jefferson.

nobody expects the empire state building!
There was an unexpected local view of the Empire State Building.

lirr flatbush ave. station
There were many trips to Port Jefferson to do nasty work.

Tuesday April 21st 2009, 9:19 pm
Filed under: General

Multiple Computer FAIL.

totally 80's
More night photos.

they'll get right on that
They follow directions excellently.

I missed the train by less than 60 seconds. Yay.

friday evening traffic
Evening in TriBeCa.

don't forget to bring a port-a-potty!
What lurks beyond the wire grate?

Saturday April 11th 2009, 4:42 pm
Filed under: General

This was a long week, but I have little to show for it.

Arriving in Port Jefferson …

they're yeller, I say!
There’s always something randomly blooming

… which became PJ Horsefeathers, which became The Bada Bing, which has become The Riff

the cars, not just a band
… Then back to Brooklyn, and off to the bank to deposit a check.

popeye is a bottom?
Ok, this place is getting weirder.

Tuesday February 17th 2009, 1:06 am
Filed under: General

Time passes more quickly than work comes in. I make a lot more banking trips now.

the other side
This is the Union St. end of this place

mini park
Further down Union St. in Park Slope

woe unto those with no connectivity
The Subway is the original network

I saw Lindsay and Delilah, and Rachel and Greg,…

high-tech lap, low-tech lap
and Sarah and Zack

Thursday February 12th 2009, 1:06 am
Filed under: General

Yesterday, I was back out on Long Island after a sleepless night. Today it reached 63 degrees.

Leaving Jamaica, for what’s old is what’s new

bird's eye viewing
He wants you to join him

Coming back to Jamaica, to my new island home.

It said BRODAWAY until Gothamist got involved the other day
