(Nov 24) Coasting through November. The only event is my root canal covered here previously, has broken in half, within weeks of its three year anniversary.
Things have been slow here, from my perspective.
The last harvest, other than peanuts
(Sep 5) Not much of note. The harvest of the garden is just about over.
blanching them
Gee, I wonder why it feels like all I do is cook lately?
These have surprisingly been a huge hit
(Jun 25) June ends with first harvest.
My first vegetable of the season
Through the shielding from wind glass
My travels in NYC have become rather limited
(Jun 12) June looks a little repetitive.
Romeo has been spending time with me to escape being crated
The yellow squash are starting to grow
Boys my age can spot these even in the dark
These birds apparently spend a few days on the ground before flying