p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Saturday August 25th 2012, 11:30 pm
Filed under: General

(Jul 10) pseudoreal is now less than a month and a half out of sync.

Many roads have closed in recent years

tough spot to grow in
A survivor

the signs of our society
But alas, the world is full of inconsiderate assholes holding yard sales.

who's fred?
I wonder what happens if you turn on Fred?

someone turned on fred
Oh. This is what happens.

look at me, look at me!
Seriously green

all smiles for now
Someone’s happy to have exited

is your computer unbalanced?
Malware isn’t the worst thing that can happen to your computer

sadness returns
Well, that didn’t last long

this road is evil and cop infested, avoid it
Whoever Travis was, 20 is awfully young to be gone

More death. Not quite so recent.

volunteer firefighters
Selden Fire Dept Memorial

Supercomputers in Selden. What a clever place to hide them!

Wednesday August 22nd 2012, 12:12 am
Filed under: General

(Jun 12) June looks a little repetitive.

Romeo has been spending time with me to escape being crated

like most dogs
He’s an expert at sleeping

The yellow squash are starting to grow

hot wheels track
Boys my age can spot these even in the dark

salute the autos
Car country

or likely being eaten
These birds apparently spend a few days on the ground before flying

Romeo and

and killing the bugs trying to kill them
squash. Repeat.