p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Tuesday November 18th 2014, 8:01 pm
Filed under: General

(Nov 18) I need to figure out a better way to process my phone photos. Instant uploads to “the cloud” turn out not to be terribly useful to me.

it's a very short list of things i'm going to miss about here
Ok. I’m going to miss grilling over an open fire.

nearly invisible me
I like this effect

in the eerie glow
It takes decent night photos for a phone

i've been there twice now
I sent this to Viza to announce my arrival on Roosevelt Island

it was not however, a sign of good fortune
If you look closely, there’s a rainbow

Jesse Pinkman wuz here

seven. eleven. "pizza." need more be said?
A travesty committed against pizza

i miss seeing lindsay regularly
I had lunch with Lindsay and Leah

he's a good little boy
I’m really going to miss him.

this is how george hotz got his job at google

aren't we all?
The stickers spoke truth.

Wednesday November 13th 2013, 12:00 am
Filed under: General

(Oct 19) Preed came to town. So much happens when he’s here. Much much more than happens in several months lately.

or rather the message is
Sometimes the signs are unclear.

does it mean i'm still a geek that i found a discussion of content delivery networks interesting?
We began the weekend with…

with extra etsy!
The days of the DevOps

aside from elaborate
We visited the Museum of the Moving Image, in Astoria. I forget what this thing is,

it reminds me of nan
but the model is very elaborate

names from the past
Another reminder of the Honeymooner’s. The second one recently.

barbie, sadly, was killed within 60 seconds of beaming over to the funhouse.  never ever wear the red uniform on 1960's star trek.
Ken needs to make sure Barbie doesn’t end up alone with Shatner

travis bickle is not pleased
No photos at the Breaking Bad “exhibition” wedged into a corner

Thursday April 30th 2009, 2:13 am
Filed under: General

Although the fares haven’t gone up yet, the subway is already too expensive. I predict walking is going to be on the rise.

ha ha
Someone was in too much of a hurry though.

where's whatah?
I decided to walk from the Financial District to the West Village to save $2

carrier hotel
I hoped to get a few photos

But I suddenly found myself at the library with only these.