p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Wednesday January 30th 2013, 6:35 am
Filed under: General

(Jan 30) The time is now. I have decided to replay the formula that got me to Brooklyn the last time. I have taken This Side of Paradise and The Great Gatsby off the bookshelf. This time I won’t be reading them on a porch in a rocker, with Billy in my lap and a brandy at my side. I hope the effect is the same. F. Scott Fitzgerald was wrong about one thing, I’m about to start my third act.

the suburbs, going nowhere
The present sucks.

eagle from the palace that was pennsylvania station
The past calls to me

Change is required

To get to the future.

Sunday March 07th 2010, 2:38 am
Filed under: General

One more trip out east to deliver firewood. Not what most out of towners think of when someone says the Hamptons.

ice skating
It doesn’t often get cold enough here for ice skating

The area is strewn with modern art brought in or made by Manhattanites

There are though still farms of various kinds

And bits of times gone by remain.

Thursday February 18th 2010, 12:40 am
Filed under: General

January was all about snow and firewood.

Monday March 02nd 2009, 2:34 am
Filed under: General

February has turned to March, and March has turned to snow.

it's a pisser
The evidence on the ground suggested otherwise.

I should walk past wearing a sign that says “Fuck you.”

it has begun
They’re calling for 8-12 inches.

Tuesday January 20th 2009, 3:29 am
Filed under: General


brooklyn snowman
It snowed.

hicksville, long island
And then it snowed again.

dangerous road, period.
I was back in familiar territory.

eight years of being 'home'
Other than the car that’s parked where the lawn used to be,
it looks almost the same as when I lived here.

shoveling the nature out of the way for money
Having grown up in suburbia, it wasn’t until I left it that I realized,
snow shoveling as day labor is a suburban phenomenon.

snow cones
The snow makes the ordinary seem more interesting, more intimate in a way,
by blocking out background.

Meanwhile, underground, the stalactites are the least scary part of a Broadway station
on the G line that looks like it’s going to disintegrate.

F line
It’s hard to get high shots in this city. The trains and bridges provide most of the free ones.

a puppy and his frisbee, in the snow
Speaking of snow, I miss Billy.