p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Tuesday November 12th 2013, 11:18 pm
Filed under: General

(Oct 8) Starts and fits. Lots of negativity from friends. Yay autumn.

My grandmother grew these. I can’t remember the name of it.

where the residents never complain
Past Pinelawn

...for death causes construction to take place
The road to the dead is closed

from the bottom and to the left
Today the signs say… peeling

the piles, they will be driven
There’s always construction going on here

Saturday September 28th 2013, 12:01 am
Filed under: General

(Sep 12) An event complete, must be unwound.

fitting the store gets headline billing
The real story of this museum isn’t 9/11, but money.

when the garbage scows roam
Nighttime in the subway

I wonder what the eagle is about?

east side rulez!
This time, from the other side

empty tunnel
The city that never sleeps, sleeping.

anyone /thanking heaven for seven eleven/?
Suburbia intrudes

It is impossible not to notice the sidewalk cows have all gone home

Where do you want to go today?

the journey's not over, but this is where it ends.
I note, nothing going to Port Jefferson. The Ronkonkoma line gets much more love.

Tuesday September 24th 2013, 7:07 pm
Filed under: General

(Sep 11) Some things are touchstones in one’s life. For each of us, these are different things.

pennsylvania station
First stop, arrival and re-departure

bright and blurry
Stepped outside the station and started adjusting my camera

the building that beat donald trump
Saw an old friend

tribeca beckons
Wandered downtown, a reminder of college nights watching the Honeymooners with friends.

knob creek, saw this factory on tv
I’ve never worked at or owned a bar. I’ve imagined it a lot though. Odd.

irony(n): the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect
Nothing screams Amish like an electric sign in midtown Manhattan

This is all Walter White really wanted.

that was two lifetimes ago
I’ve had the Gorgeous George (it’s a burger)

To be continued…

Sunday June 30th 2013, 11:56 pm
Filed under: General

(Jun 19) Roosevelt Island is about to get a large dose of change. It’s going to be change they won’t like one bit. It’s inevitable though. Underscoring this, it’s a Bruce Ratner project now, who will co-own the buildings, which come with free land, courtesy of the city. I can’t help but think the city is poor at selling itself to have to give so much away to those who will directly profit from this initiative. The idea that anyone has gotten a piece of Roosevelt Island free just seems scandalous.

the one and only subway stop
Arrival. Deep underground.

hello, manhattan
It is a beautiful place, with a view of the east side.

currently in working order
Aside from the subway, and a bridge to Astoria, the tram is the only other way on and off the island.

goldwater hospital
And then on the other side of the tram bridge… you’re there already.

catch it before it's gone forever
Now you see it… soon you won’t.

chrysler building
A familiar sight

renwick smallpox hospital
The old, and falling down

chisel me here
The new and unfinished

cause of the biggest traffic jams in manhattan
The UN-United Nations

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Monday May 27th 2013, 8:48 pm
Filed under: General

(May 25) I don’t know where this month went. It seems to have been largely consumed by drama in the house. The housemate with the screaming, crying, children will be gone June 1. Those kids are doomed. Doomed. Even their father has given up on them already and they’re only seven and eight.

employment walk of shame
Junior got fired

power plant exhaust
Port Jefferson smokestacks

new job
This time, Junior didn’t get canned.

this is what spoiled looks like
Romeo continues to lead a hard life

fulton st.
Back in one of the most familiar places

It’s not as tall as the Twin Towers, unless you count the oversized pole on the roof. It’s not even going to be the tallest in the city. But finally, that’s as tall as it’s going to get, and the pole is on the roof.