p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Sunday February 12th 2012, 3:22 pm
Filed under: General

(Sep 2) The long tyranny of August led into a short September, whereupon I had to move, yet again. As I write this, in February, it appears I will be moving again before summer, and quite possibly soon. I really don’t know why I bother packing and unpacking anymore.

back here again
I made a point to catch sunset at the train station.

It’s times like this that the camera shines compared to all of my previous digital cameras.

that might explain why I'm back here again
I’ve noted that I seem to be seeking out overhead views. This is inevitably a problem since I don’t have access to many.

In a bit of luck…

return of the commuters
A train was arriving.

camera, please ignore bright lights
Its lights turned out to be overwhelmingly bright.

more likely I'm too much of a wannabe to know how
Perhaps you just can’t film an oncoming train in twilight.

the lights, they're so bright!
When it got closer than this, the lights overwhelmed the photos.

Someone waiting on the platform probably means that same train is going to roll back into the station westbound in few minutes.

Saturday April 09th 2011, 6:54 pm
Filed under: General

(March 14 & 16) I am now a 5 mile walk to the train. Woe is me.

mt. sinai harbor
The journey starts out in Miller Place.

they're really just big tailpipes
Off in the distance, you can see the smokestacks from the Port Jefferson Power Station, a few blocks from where I lived for eight years.

no gassing allowed
The geese are safe from Michael Bloomberg here

sign not withstanding
It looks a lot more rural here than it really is

this sign either
No hunting. But really, it’s suburbia, honest!

drive shaft
Someone had a really lousy day.

hulk smash!
Lousy enough to make them very angry. But that didn’t change the fact this is a very dangerous road.

it just doesn't have what it takes i guess
And the weathervane has gone down again

ladder co.
Apple’s on fire! … just kidding. Maybe Tony stopped by.

this news surprises no one
The city has crabs.

laurence, get your ass to the meeting!
I passed by the House of Viza, but he was not there.

and metallic
The flowers seem somehow much larger this spring.

Friday January 14th 2011, 12:40 am
Filed under: General

(November 14) Last night in Port Jefferson. Last-minute packing ensues.

casa george
Home for one more night

there are signs
Change is afoot

it's a sign, not a clock
Starts on the 15th though

but, they know things
Wise words, indeed.

Friday October 15th 2010, 2:29 am
Filed under: General

The finale of August was the attempted liquidation of the contents of two containers. The owners, a husband and wife died within a short time of each other, and the rent went unpaid, and at a certain point the containers and their contents became abandoned property.

collectible... allegedly
There was a rather odd mix of things, but much of it was garbage that someone obviously believed would be worth something, someday.

what horrors lie inside?
It was sad to pick through, seeing so much money wasted on items designed to be collectible, including this tin and puzzle….

all hail modern preservatives
… full of 12 year old popcorn that looks frighteningly like fresh popcorn.

jackie gleason
Additionally, there’s probably 750-1000 LP albums in various condition.

Friday October 01st 2010, 1:00 am
Filed under: General

The first morning in my new place, I awoke thinking a plane hit the house. Less traumatically, that’s how I woke up for weeks from the house house shaking from vehicle collisions with the potholes outside my window.

shades of donnie darko
Those didn’t look like much even up close, but when the trucks rolled through them… oh boy.

Main Street, on an August early Friday evening

creek waterfowl
Some things are almost exactly as they were five years ago

formerly monaviza
Guess someone makes money from it