p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Monday June 15th 2009, 5:00 am
Filed under: General

(May 26) I stepped out of the subway, looked around, and this is what I found.

Another protest

I got out in front of it

california prop 8 protest

gilbert baker banner
Yes You Can, No You Can’t

obama quote
Of course when he said those things, he wasn’t President of the USA.

fuck prop 8
That’s three now.

Monday April 06th 2009, 1:34 am
Filed under: General

No Dorkbot for me this month either. If I don’t make it in May, I’ll have to wait until September.

yay windows
My bank’s technology choices continue to frighten me, though unsurprising they may be.

gates ave. station
Lindsay has moved again.

touch me!
Delilah has become the most affectionate cat I’ve ever seen. When she goes back in heat again, it’s going to be crazy.

a couch full of friends
They’re glad it’s almost over at this point.

diesels in the night, exchanging horn blasts
Then I ended up out on Long Island, taking the lamentable 6:49PM from Stony Brook. This train takes 30 minutes longer to get to the city than any other since it waits in stations while the rush hour traffic passes it on the single track of the Port Jefferson Branch.

Thursday March 05th 2009, 4:16 am
Filed under: General

No Dorkbot for me this month. Larry invited me to tag along at an art exhibition.

On the way to the Armory, I passed this collection of dismembered cattle.

Apparently you could go inside, but there wasn’t time.

it looks like a vagina, right?
There were paintings.

this looks like the prize in the new hip teen version of cracker jack
There were naked women.

a little bit of burning man in new york city?
There were machines.

spinny lighty thingy
(click on this one to see it in action)

bring me the skull of the golden child!
There were skulls.

There were anatomically correct sleeping figures.

There were skeletons.

teeny, tiny, peoples
And there were people.

Tuesday February 17th 2009, 1:06 am
Filed under: General

Time passes more quickly than work comes in. I make a lot more banking trips now.

the other side
This is the Union St. end of this place

mini park
Further down Union St. in Park Slope

woe unto those with no connectivity
The Subway is the original network

I saw Lindsay and Delilah, and Rachel and Greg,…

high-tech lap, low-tech lap
and Sarah and Zack

Thursday February 12th 2009, 1:06 am
Filed under: General

Yesterday, I was back out on Long Island after a sleepless night. Today it reached 63 degrees.

Leaving Jamaica, for what’s old is what’s new

bird's eye viewing
He wants you to join him

Coming back to Jamaica, to my new island home.

It said BRODAWAY until Gothamist got involved the other day
