Monday December 08th 2003, 6:50 am
Filed under:
I’m pretty sure no one ever comes here but me, and it takes enough effort to maintain this that I wonder why I do it. I really don’t know why I bother, but it’s got to be whatever impulse made me start doing it to begin with. Between the $10 to register the domain and the time put into futzing with the software, I’ve invested quite a bit of myself into something I can’t explain. Ditto for the whole camera-phone business.
To summarize this week,… It snowed.
And of course, Christmas started this year before Thanksgiving did.
God help me, I'm starting to like these shitty phone pics.

you can see it like streaks

I’m looking my usual yecchy self.

Sure, plow it right onto the sidewalk.

The snow monster. Or maybe a shrubbery.

The Peerless, snowed in.

The Victorian Home Tour laughs at your blizzard!

I think they’re kinda quacky.

Yeah, it’s a winter freaking wonderland…

Currier & Ives material

The birds were smart and left town.

Snow, as far as the eye can see.

That’s a lot of snow.

Dickens Alley. Be afraid. Be Very Afraid.

The wreaths look much nicer with snow.

The Receiver of Taxes building

It wasn’t even over the next day.