(Aug 23) It is still August on this photoblog (forever?).
I start again, down Harbor Beach Road.
The harbor in Harbor Beach Road
One of the many birds in the area.
There are a variety of different “views” here.
Where it all began. I learned and scraped here.
I’ve been trying to get a bee in flight forever.
I’ve never seen anyone actually sitting here.
In all these years, I’ve never been on this path before.
It’s just like this one!
Yet one more place nature is prohibited from nature.
Someone perhaps didn’t get the memo
This place is in many ways the opposite of the WTC
And then back out toward home.
I like how this looked from the street
(Jun 15) This photoblog now bids adieu to the Sony DSC-N2 I bought in a rush to replace the short-lived Sony whatever that came after the Sony Minidisc, which came after the Kodak somethingorother. My main concern when buying the N2 was that Billy was nearing the end of his days.
Also… I have the use of a car. Photographically, this sort of changes everything.
But first, from the phone one night.
The park around the corner. Still haven’t figured out what the deal with it is.
Now that St. Vincent’s is closed, I wonder what happens to the monuments?
Construction in the city happens at a glacial pace.
(May 4) As has been my way since moving back to Long Island, I walked to IBM from Penn Station round-trip. I don’t feel I’m getting $4.50 worth of transportation to go only twenty three blocks north and four or five blocks east and back again. (In May I did Penn Station to 84th and back for a total of one hundred blocks north-south and one east-west)
(March 14 & 16) I am now a 5 mile walk to the train. Woe is me.
The journey starts out in Miller Place.
Off in the distance, you can see the smokestacks from the Port Jefferson Power Station, a few blocks from where I lived for eight years.
The geese are safe from Michael Bloomberg here
It looks a lot more rural here than it really is
No hunting. But really, it’s suburbia, honest!
Someone had a really lousy day.
Lousy enough to make them very angry. But that didn’t change the fact this is a very dangerous road.
And the weathervane has gone down again
Apple’s on fire! … just kidding. Maybe Tony stopped by.
I passed by the House of Viza, but he was not there.
The flowers seem somehow much larger this spring.