(Sep 27) Sadly, I do not have lens capable of having done the event justice.
The likes of which we won’t again soon see.
(Mar 25) I’m itching get better at photography.
Part of getting better is showing up
I’m pretty dissatisfied with the phone camera.
In some ways it’s like my phone from 2003.
(Feb 3) The start of being stopped.
There’s going to be a lot more where this came from
The leading force of billions of snowflakes
Last time the sidewalk will be walkable until spring
(Nov 28) Everything is up in the air.
The eagle hasn’t so much landed, as escaped
This was once the country’s largest hospital (complex)
We’re all going somewhere. All of us.
Oh, how I need a better lens for this task.
(Apr 25) You thought March was over. We lied. But April too. Honest!
April started with reality TV stars in my midst
Does it look like it changed any since the one above?