p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Saturday January 24th 2009, 3:24 pm
Filed under: General

With Adam in town for a rare visit, we went out to dinner at Sala 19.

$80 worth of wine?!
Larry knows Tony knows food.
And that every word Tony tells you is absolutely true.

mmm. bacon!
It was discovered that bacon defeats vegetarianism.

red yellow red
Lunar New Year! I should get pictures in Chinatown…

I’ve never paid any attention to this before.

Friday October 03rd 2008, 11:57 pm
Filed under: General

(September 11) This year, I had the same camera as last year, but in the end I decided to go take some photos again this year, and Viza was looking for an excuse to get out of the house, so he came along with me. In the third year I’ve been around to see the lights, I already know that the ideal forecast is party cloudy, and this year we were lucky.

fire station memorial
Outside the fire station on Carroll & Bond

From the Gowanus Canal

Viza and I wait for the subway

a moment in time
I literally heard this scene calling out to be photographed. Is that how it works for people with talent? I’ve always wondered.

ground 0
Seven years later, there’s still a whole lotta nothing here

lit-up front


blank walls = blank minds
The sages of the World Trade Center speak to us

from the base

from behind the trees

Monday July 14th 2008, 5:25 pm
Filed under: General

There’s been unsurprisingly few photos since late last year. A few things have happened though that got recorded for posterity. From March until about mid-April…

the elephants

The Elephant Walk. It’s the first time I’ve really felt let down by my camera.
It just wasn’t up to the task of photographing moving circus animals at night.

dunno, it\'s art

Anyone know what this is?

err.... yeah.

Do your domping somewhere else!

signs, signs, everywhere there\'s broken signs...

This is basically what our society has come down to as well.


Larry gave a vizalin performance in mid-April.

Tuesday September 05th 2006, 3:22 am
Filed under: General

kosher hams