(Jul 9) To kill some time before dinner with Preed, I finally returned to Roosevelt Island.
Out on Long Island, What is this scary thing?
Over to Roosevelt Island, the shell of Coler-Goldwater Hospital
Typical of work done by large contractors,
It’s the middle of the day, and no work in sight taking place
This is why it’s going to take years,
Everything takes forever when you’re not actually doing anything.
All this blocked off for the convenience of the construction that’s not taking place
(Jul 9) Beginnings and endings.
More Trader Joe’s flowers, in the same exact spot as these.
What remains of the small businesses that thrived here? Nothing.
(Jun 16) I have been busy. Busy is neither good nor bad, just busy.
So many things nailed to this pole …. that absolutely no one cared about.
This is not at all what I expected when I decided to shoot this scene
Now this, is what I was looking for
This view will never be the same
Not because of the demolition and coming construction
But because the man whose office this was for 30 years has died.
(May 16) I needed to go for a walk.
I was feeling crabby, but I had a better day than these guys.
Where you can still get a $5 haircut.
It’s a very interesting neighborhood, and I haven’t seen much of it yet.
I think this is the neighborhood signpost.
As usual, dusk was settling into evening.
This seemed to have captured everyone’s attention.
The Hong Kong Supermarket had burned down.
(October 19) Wrapping up the trip to Domino with fourteen more photos, I headed back toward home, with a quick stop to the datacenter down by Wall Street.
By all that’s going up, you’d never know that everything’s going to hell.
And lots of other stuff is coming down to make way for more.
More Bisphenol A than you can shake a stick at.
What is The Secret Behind the Door?
This place made me think of Whatah.
The neighborhood buildings are covered in artwork
Something was going on behind this door as well.
Whatever it was, it did not escape Bette Davis’s eyes.
Construction and life both go on.
This is even pervy-er than his subway ad.
This is the kind of Nine Eleven false patriotism we could all live without.
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