They’re tearing the street up, it’s going to be closed for two years. I suppose by government standards, that’s pretty snappy.
There are a lot of mosaics underground, many are very themed and elaborate.
Dorkbot is one of my favorite things to go to. Nobody knows me there;
it’s all fun and no work when you’re on the audience side of the podium.
His heart beats, you see it in realtime.
You can watch him use the various parts of his brain too.
Yes, Pete has a cup of black coffee in one hand, and a lit cigar in the other, and he’s rollerblading in Central Park.
(he’s wearing the same shirt as last time too)
Back on Smith St. in Brooklyn, they let some kids decorate the boards used to conceal a construction site. They should do this more often.
Back to Central Park, Pete leads the newbies through the AIDS walk after-crowd.
The cops eventually made them clear out. Surprised?
Finally it was off to visit Josh at the Harold & Kumar Frat House.