p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Tuesday August 19th 2008, 8:45 am
Filed under: General

They’re tearing the street up, it’s going to be closed for two years. I suppose by government standards, that’s pretty snappy.

fulton st. M station

under the pavement
Scary-looking infrastructure.

mosaic of ships
There are a lot of mosaics underground, many are very themed and elaborate.

mosaic of ships

mosaic of ships

Sunday August 10th 2008, 6:04 pm
Filed under: General

Dorkbot is one of my favorite things to go to. Nobody knows me there;
it’s all fun and no work when you’re on the audience side of the podium.

he's got a lot of heart
His heart beats, you see it in realtime.

You can watch him use the various parts of his brain too.

a new york moment, courtesy of pedro
Yes, Pete has a cup of black coffee in one hand, and a lit cigar in the other, and he’s rollerblading in Central Park.
(he’s wearing the same shirt as last time too)

the man-horse!
Back on Smith St. in Brooklyn, they let some kids decorate the boards used to conceal a construction site. They should do this more often.

commander pedro
Back to Central Park, Pete leads the newbies through the AIDS walk after-crowd.

The cops eventually made them clear out. Surprised?

Finally it was off to visit Josh at the Harold & Kumar Frat House.

spiral staircase
