p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Saturday January 17th 2015, 12:18 pm
Filed under: General

(Jan 14) Status quo.

if anyone was going to the moon, it'd be ralph
The Honeymooners always makes me think of college, and Dave.

the mta wants to help?

I’ve been wondering what this hideous thing is

pointy, and tall
Probably part of the memorial or museum

i probably won't leave this much behind
The cemetery at St. Paul’s Chapel
In Memory of Sarah Nixon
Wife of Richard Nixon
who departed this life May
12th, 1798
Aged 51 Years 11 months

Sunday December 15th 2013, 8:28 pm
Filed under: General

(Nov 7) Some of the earliest posts here got accidentally lost, but at this point, p s e u d o r e a l crossed the decade line some time ago. The template used here and some points of site style bear the distinct marks of 2003. Late 2003 had the feeling of impending change. Late 2013 feels much the same to me. Not quite as much, but it’s there. I don’t think this site is going to change much. It’s part chronicle, part hobby, part excuse, and finally, though there’s probably not much here that qualifies as art, as a whole, the site is at some level, a long-running art project.

one peen plaza
I visited the infamous phallically named rat hole where a glorious train station used to be.

pre-gin on the rocks
We got the first snow of the season

socrates gave it two thumbs down
Is an early snow a sign of things to come?

we can hear you now

callejones sin salida
Life is full of these

i hate passing this place
Billy burned here.

Tuesday November 12th 2013, 11:18 pm
Filed under: General

(Oct 8) Starts and fits. Lots of negativity from friends. Yay autumn.

My grandmother grew these. I can’t remember the name of it.

where the residents never complain
Past Pinelawn

...for death causes construction to take place
The road to the dead is closed

from the bottom and to the left
Today the signs say… peeling

the piles, they will be driven
There’s always construction going on here

Saturday August 25th 2012, 11:30 pm
Filed under: General

(Jul 10) pseudoreal is now less than a month and a half out of sync.

Many roads have closed in recent years

tough spot to grow in
A survivor

the signs of our society
But alas, the world is full of inconsiderate assholes holding yard sales.

who's fred?
I wonder what happens if you turn on Fred?

someone turned on fred
Oh. This is what happens.

look at me, look at me!
Seriously green

all smiles for now
Someone’s happy to have exited

is your computer unbalanced?
Malware isn’t the worst thing that can happen to your computer

sadness returns
Well, that didn’t last long

this road is evil and cop infested, avoid it
Whoever Travis was, 20 is awfully young to be gone

More death. Not quite so recent.

volunteer firefighters
Selden Fire Dept Memorial

Supercomputers in Selden. What a clever place to hide them!