p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Monday February 09th 2009, 12:47 am
Filed under: General

It’s February, it must be Dorkbot. It appears that Valentine’s Day is on-deck.

product of the torch machine thing
Made with plasma

The Linuxization of the Gadgetry

the tell-tale hearts
They’ve got a lotta heart

Saturday November 29th 2008, 12:00 am
Filed under: General

(November 23) In what is likely to be the last expedition for November, I headed from the Tree Huts in Madison Square Park to the Roosevelt Island Tram terminal to see Dylan Mortimer’s Prayer Booths. I got there just in time not to see them assembled, which was a bummer in that I saw one of them enough that I’m not likely to spend the time and money to go back. Allow me to say once again, that I despise Standard Time.

phone booth
These, are the sorry excuses (kiosks) for what passes for a phone booth these days.
Above, are from our local telephone monster, Verizon.

prayer kiosk
This, would be most of a Prayer Booth. Apparently he takes them in at night, possibly due to the graffitti.
Although to be honest, the graffitti stain adds an authenticity to the Prayer Booths that would have been otherwise absent given nothing else around here is free from some kind of …. urban weathering.


In keeping with my previous Astroland theme, I probably won’t go back to see them in an assembled condition, but now that I’ve said that,….

As of now, for the first time in months, there’s nothing left in the queue here.

Wednesday November 26th 2008, 12:39 am
Filed under: General

(October 31) The mission on this day was as follows: Tree Huts, Banksy, Parade. Things didn’t work out so well on any of the three counts; light and timing were the lessons of the day. Though there were people inside looking at paperwork and eating real food, Banksy’s Village Pet Store & Charcoal Grill closed eariler than was reported by the press and all I got was a glimpse through the windows.

adopt the pets today, or eat them next week
Oddly enough, I suppose I didn’t really miss too much, it’s a small store.

psst... it's not real!
I could see more than I could realistically photograph through the windows.

who's got camera baits?
These things breed like rats, there’s as many cameras as rodents in this city.

mrs. peter cottontail
I took the obligatory shots….

now you know where the chicken nuggets come from
… the same ones that ten thousand other people took.

papered over
And then… it was gone.

Sunday July 20th 2008, 12:00 pm
Filed under: General

the world

The world. Do Not Touch!


Outside Wells Fargo.

motorcycle parking

I’ve never seen anything like this before.

keith haring

A Keith Haring sculpture. I felt like I was back in New York City.

brooklyn in da house

Maybe I am back in New York.

new york bagels

Seriously. San Francisco or New York City?

public art

There seems to be a lot of public art about the place.

more keith haring sculpture

Ironically, shortly after my return, I passed this place on Lexington Ave. in Manhattan NY.

Monday July 14th 2008, 5:25 pm
Filed under: General

There’s been unsurprisingly few photos since late last year. A few things have happened though that got recorded for posterity. From March until about mid-April…

the elephants

The Elephant Walk. It’s the first time I’ve really felt let down by my camera.
It just wasn’t up to the task of photographing moving circus animals at night.

dunno, it\'s art

Anyone know what this is?

err.... yeah.

Do your domping somewhere else!

signs, signs, everywhere there\'s broken signs...

This is basically what our society has come down to as well.


Larry gave a vizalin performance in mid-April.