p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Wednesday March 21st 2012, 8:12 pm
Filed under: General

(Sep 11) It is past 9 PM on a Sunday night. I head into the city with the ubercamera for a familiar journey. I really don’t know much about how to use the camera still at this point (and still don’t), but I got some good results. Again, this may be the last time they do The Lights, and the neighbors must absolutely hate the installation. So, although I have to move in a couple of days, I get on the train.

the journey begins
Brooklyn Bridge, 1:15 AM. That brightness in the distance turned out to be The Tribute In Light.

Not only did the clouds defile the view, so did the contractor working on the bridge.

aimed in the direction of the statue of liberty
Despite these unfortunate circumstances, the ubercamera remained uber.

the lady herself
Oh how far my new camera has come from the others.

but there in the distance
At this point, I still wasn’t quite sure they were even on.

A look around… Downtown.

Midtown, Manhattan Bridge, Empire State and Chrysler Buildings. The top of the ESB is in the cloud cover.

for reals
There it is.

obscuration. didn't know it was a real word until i looked it up.
The clouds were unfortunate, to say the least.

imo, more meaningful than the official tributes
Tributes to the dead.

and the area creepily touristy about nine-eleveny
The new station. It is a big yawn, and no longer opens in a convenient spot (for me).

everything is for a reason
I wonder what that’s lit for.

maybe in this same location?
I do some version of this shot every time.

looks like smoke, right?
Phaser attack?

trinity church
This was the only decent shot out of a dozen in this same spot, which I’ve used in the past.

almost there now
One more “it looks like it’s coming from the building” shot.

the source
This one really is coming from the top of the building. This is the parking garage the installation sits atop.

the embarrassing 'freedom tower' is the name no more
The Lights are not actually at the World Trade Center. There, down the block, is the new One World Trade Center.

they're kind of awesome up close
Up close, and personal.

i took about 300 photos
I don’t like this shot so much, but it is the last one I took for the evening, and thus possibly the last one I’ll take of the Tribute In Light.

Friday August 19th 2011, 1:36 am
Filed under: General

(Jun 15) This photoblog now bids adieu to the Sony DSC-N2 I bought in a rush to replace the short-lived Sony whatever that came after the Sony Minidisc, which came after the Kodak somethingorother. My main concern when buying the N2 was that Billy was nearing the end of his days.

Also… I have the use of a car. Photographically, this sort of changes everything.

old car
But first, from the phone one night.

just a lot of woods
The park around the corner. Still haven’t figured out what the deal with it is.

Now that St. Vincent’s is closed, I wonder what happens to the monuments?

“Our milk is fresh”?

at least they're trying to make lemonade from lemons
Construction in the city happens at a glacial pace.

Saturday April 09th 2011, 6:54 pm
Filed under: General

(March 14 & 16) I am now a 5 mile walk to the train. Woe is me.

mt. sinai harbor
The journey starts out in Miller Place.

they're really just big tailpipes
Off in the distance, you can see the smokestacks from the Port Jefferson Power Station, a few blocks from where I lived for eight years.

no gassing allowed
The geese are safe from Michael Bloomberg here

sign not withstanding
It looks a lot more rural here than it really is

this sign either
No hunting. But really, it’s suburbia, honest!

drive shaft
Someone had a really lousy day.

hulk smash!
Lousy enough to make them very angry. But that didn’t change the fact this is a very dangerous road.

it just doesn't have what it takes i guess
And the weathervane has gone down again

ladder co.
Apple’s on fire! … just kidding. Maybe Tony stopped by.

this news surprises no one
The city has crabs.

laurence, get your ass to the meeting!
I passed by the House of Viza, but he was not there.

and metallic
The flowers seem somehow much larger this spring.

Sunday March 27th 2011, 12:20 pm
Filed under: General

(February 16) NYLUG night.

haier than even snoop
Formerly the Greenwich Savings Bank,

Dogs, you say?

i can't even tie a bow tie
J.P. Woofmorgan(?)

late at night, they roam the city fighting crime
For some reason this shot makes me think of The Night Stalker.

Friday December 03rd 2010, 2:53 pm
Filed under: General

(October 23) To the city I go again. This time my travels bring me to 42nd St.

subway platform
What for me, is becoming an obligatory shot.

new year's eve theme?
The prelude to an unintended pregnancy.

he's about to be hit by the arrow!!!!
Drunks standing in a puddle.

Magic fairy dust?