p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Saturday April 09th 2011, 6:54 pm
Filed under: General

(March 14 & 16) I am now a 5 mile walk to the train. Woe is me.

mt. sinai harbor
The journey starts out in Miller Place.

they're really just big tailpipes
Off in the distance, you can see the smokestacks from the Port Jefferson Power Station, a few blocks from where I lived for eight years.

no gassing allowed
The geese are safe from Michael Bloomberg here

sign not withstanding
It looks a lot more rural here than it really is

this sign either
No hunting. But really, it’s suburbia, honest!

drive shaft
Someone had a really lousy day.

hulk smash!
Lousy enough to make them very angry. But that didn’t change the fact this is a very dangerous road.

it just doesn't have what it takes i guess
And the weathervane has gone down again

ladder co.
Apple’s on fire! … just kidding. Maybe Tony stopped by.

this news surprises no one
The city has crabs.

laurence, get your ass to the meeting!
I passed by the House of Viza, but he was not there.

and metallic
The flowers seem somehow much larger this spring.

Friday November 26th 2010, 10:04 pm
Filed under: General

(October 20) To the city I go. Noticing the weather vane doesn’t seem to be in the same location, I snap a photo.

the proud little weather vane
Originally. (2003)

woe is vane
Then later. (2008)

a little diminished
And now. (2010)

Sunday November 23rd 2008, 1:09 am
Filed under: General

(October 24 & November 19) I’ve been spending a lot more time in Port Jefferson than I really care to. The commuting isn’t cheap either. Though it has changed quite a bit from my personal standpoint, in most ways, it’s exactly the same, except a little worse for wear.

what a mess
Wires, wires, and more wires.

this means you!
Apparently morons, dumb, and the uneducated no longer have to stop here,
which is good since they weren’t stopping before.

looks like allergies to me
This is new, whatever it is.

railroad tracks
Change comes slowly to the LIRR.

railroad tracks
Especially west of the station.

vanquished weathervane
The weathervane succumbed to a storm.