p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Tuesday August 19th 2008, 8:45 am
Filed under: General

They’re tearing the street up, it’s going to be closed for two years. I suppose by government standards, that’s pretty snappy.

fulton st. M station

under the pavement
Scary-looking infrastructure.

mosaic of ships
There are a lot of mosaics underground, many are very themed and elaborate.

mosaic of ships

mosaic of ships

Thursday August 14th 2008, 6:30 am
Filed under: General

Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. This must mean it’s my annual trek to Kohl’s for the menswear sale.

Mural in the Bronx.

west 4th & grove
Twilight in the West Village.

The stuff new photoblog mastheads are made from.

gowanus canal
Passing the toxic canal.

the 'hood
View from the canal end of my block.

Monday July 14th 2008, 5:25 pm
Filed under: General

There’s been unsurprisingly few photos since late last year. A few things have happened though that got recorded for posterity. From March until about mid-April…

the elephants

The Elephant Walk. It’s the first time I’ve really felt let down by my camera.
It just wasn’t up to the task of photographing moving circus animals at night.

dunno, it\'s art

Anyone know what this is?

err.... yeah.

Do your domping somewhere else!

signs, signs, everywhere there\'s broken signs...

This is basically what our society has come down to as well.


Larry gave a vizalin performance in mid-April.

Thursday May 26th 2005, 8:16 pm
Filed under: General

May 24. NYLUG Day.
Unexpectedly, I was able to get away and into the city early.



All such trips start with the train.


 title plaque.

A World Trade Center story.



A fenceful of commemorative plaques.


 more plaques.

And still more plaques.


 a view of the village.

A view of The Village.


 wouldn't this make the laundromat seem interminable?

I would have thought caffeine would drag the whole thing out.


 those bastards!

Those bastards!
They chopped off the lower half of Superman!


 union square.

14th Street, Union Square.



This must be the way to NYLUG …
The penguins are going this way.


 jim gleason.

Jim opened the NYLUG meeting about Xen.


 moshe barr.

Moshe Barr spoke, …


 ian pratt.

… then Ian Pratt.