p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Monday June 28th 2010, 12:12 am
Filed under: General

Time has not passed easily here in the wastelands.

Those of a certain age or those who’ve worked there recognize this as part of a long line of items bearing this (informal?) company motto.

the natural habitat of the new york rockette
Radio City has been on the verge of going under for at least 40 years now.
Cablevision owns everything but the building itself now, I presume this will be the last change before it slips into oblivion.

I pruned the deadwood and it showed its appreciation by blooming.
I bought this rose bush for my mother as a child. It now languishes on the side of my father’s house. As do I.

Thursday June 10th 2010, 12:35 am
Filed under: General

From a walk to the grocery store along the LIRR tracks.

Unintentional Rebar Sculpture

in bloom
These run the length of the LIRR station, which being the end of the electric service, is quite long.

pink tree blossoms

more mta fail
MTA spelling sign fail.

Wednesday February 10th 2010, 3:11 am
Filed under: General

I think I was only in the city twice in December.

amtrak train board
Viza and I took a short stroll through Amtrak’s part of Penn Station.

I found some more subway mosaics to add to my collection.

Sunday January 03rd 2010, 2:09 am
Filed under: General

November began with nine days left on the lease at my Carroll St. apartment.

root canal, fun fun
Root canal, visit one of five. Tony said “pics or it didn’t happen.”

It’s hard to see, but that’s a rooster, full of peppers.

Hai. Pull me over plz.
Nice plate. I wonder if the cops are amused.

Ronkonkoma station, the bus stop as well
Back from the dentist, and off to paint “next apartment.”

Ronkonkoma station, LIRR
Painting done, returning to Brooklyn.

Eagle Clothes sign
I finally got a good shot of this. I never realized it was down the block from me.

Carroll St. station
The end is very very near now.

Tuesday December 08th 2009, 12:55 am
Filed under: General

Halloween 2009. I went to a party Ruth invited me to. I took no photos there.

I am distorted and unclear.