p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Monday April 06th 2009, 1:34 am
Filed under: General

No Dorkbot for me this month either. If I don’t make it in May, I’ll have to wait until September.

yay windows
My bank’s technology choices continue to frighten me, though unsurprising they may be.

gates ave. station
Lindsay has moved again.

touch me!
Delilah has become the most affectionate cat I’ve ever seen. When she goes back in heat again, it’s going to be crazy.

a couch full of friends
They’re glad it’s almost over at this point.

diesels in the night, exchanging horn blasts
Then I ended up out on Long Island, taking the lamentable 6:49PM from Stony Brook. This train takes 30 minutes longer to get to the city than any other since it waits in stations while the rush hour traffic passes it on the single track of the Port Jefferson Branch.

Monday March 02nd 2009, 2:34 am
Filed under: General

February has turned to March, and March has turned to snow.

it's a pisser
The evidence on the ground suggested otherwise.

I should walk past wearing a sign that says “Fuck you.”

it has begun
They’re calling for 8-12 inches.

Monday February 09th 2009, 12:47 am
Filed under: General

It’s February, it must be Dorkbot. It appears that Valentine’s Day is on-deck.

product of the torch machine thing
Made with plasma

The Linuxization of the Gadgetry

the tell-tale hearts
They’ve got a lotta heart

Friday January 30th 2009, 3:20 am
Filed under: General

sign overload
4th Ave., Park Slope.

in fact it's peeking in your window right now.
They really, really love you.

Tuesday January 20th 2009, 3:29 am
Filed under: General


brooklyn snowman
It snowed.

hicksville, long island
And then it snowed again.

dangerous road, period.
I was back in familiar territory.

eight years of being 'home'
Other than the car that’s parked where the lawn used to be,
it looks almost the same as when I lived here.

shoveling the nature out of the way for money
Having grown up in suburbia, it wasn’t until I left it that I realized,
snow shoveling as day labor is a suburban phenomenon.

snow cones
The snow makes the ordinary seem more interesting, more intimate in a way,
by blocking out background.

Meanwhile, underground, the stalactites are the least scary part of a Broadway station
on the G line that looks like it’s going to disintegrate.

F line
It’s hard to get high shots in this city. The trains and bridges provide most of the free ones.

a puppy and his frisbee, in the snow
Speaking of snow, I miss Billy.