p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Friday May 25th 2007, 6:54 am
Filed under: General

Monday May 21st 2007, 12:50 am
Filed under: General

I needed to go to a client’s office down by City Hall. On a whim, I decided to walk back to Brooklyn.

don't get attached to this bridge!
Developing feelings for the bridge will get you a ticket.

i found osama bin laden!
I discovered Osama bin Laden hiding on the bridge in plain sight.

lazy sunday early evening

manhattan bridge

bridges, roads, cars

brooklyn bridge

steel cabling

empire state building, chrysler building

early exit

High St. was somewhere under there… somewhere.

Thursday May 17th 2007, 4:23 am
Filed under: General

pseudorandomness, bracketed.

sunrise near federal plaza

bashed head


late afternoon in brooklyn

come to the wall, catch a disease!

oil flame

sunset near federal plaza

Monday May 14th 2007, 5:38 am
Filed under: General

Last night, because I’m sick of being sick, I decided to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.

carroll gardens
Out of towners might be surprised to learn this is Brooklyn

lady liberty
That’s the Statue of Liberty out there in the harbor


brooklyn bridge


empire state building
The Empire State Building in yellow and the Chrysler Building

sunday evening in manhattan
A lazy Sunday evening downtown Manhattan

red means stop
The end of the journey

Nights like this, I wish I had a better camera.

Friday March 30th 2007, 3:13 am
Filed under: General

Since my last post here, I lost all my photos, except those on this site to a hard drive failure.

In December, I went into Manhattan with Pete and his cousin Maria, to see the store displays, and have dinner at Bice.

pedro and maria
Pedro and Maria

store window display

projected snowflakes

That’s a lot of candy.

Then in January we went to Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, followed by dinner at Novecento.

most ridiculous mcdonalds evar
The most pretentious McDonald’s I’ve ever seen. The food is still McDonald’s.

fred and ginger

all wax
None of them is real.


Finally, in February I went to see Sleepwalkers.


donald sutherland


Edit: I forgot about the McDonald’s downtown with the piano player, which I saw once back in the 80’s, so the jury’s still out on the most pretentious McDonald’s in the city, (or that I’ve ever seen).