Tuesday October 05th 2010, 2:01 am
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Wrapping up August was another trip to …

Central Park

Pete wanted me to take his picture next to that tree. So here it is.

Pete knows this girl from his trips to the park without me. I don’t remember her name.

She’s got good balance

This poor kid was swallowed whole by a bubble. Nobody tried to save him, they all just watched him get devoured.

The re-becoming something is well underway

And then it was time to leave

But not without a little street time first. (it’s a video)
Monday July 14th 2008, 5:25 pm
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There’s been unsurprisingly few photos since late last year. A few things have happened though that got recorded for posterity. From March until about mid-April…

The Elephant Walk. It’s the first time I’ve really felt let down by my camera.
It just wasn’t up to the task of photographing moving circus animals at night.

Anyone know what this is?

Do your domping somewhere else!

This is basically what our society has come down to as well.

Larry gave a vizalin performance in mid-April.