p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Wednesday August 27th 2008, 6:19 pm
Filed under: General

What part of this very clear message don’t you get?

Wednesday August 20th 2008, 9:36 pm
Filed under: General

We hope that’s clear enough for you.

Monday July 14th 2008, 5:25 pm
Filed under: General

There’s been unsurprisingly few photos since late last year. A few things have happened though that got recorded for posterity. From March until about mid-April…

the elephants

The Elephant Walk. It’s the first time I’ve really felt let down by my camera.
It just wasn’t up to the task of photographing moving circus animals at night.

dunno, it\'s art

Anyone know what this is?

err.... yeah.

Do your domping somewhere else!

signs, signs, everywhere there\'s broken signs...

This is basically what our society has come down to as well.


Larry gave a vizalin performance in mid-April.

Monday May 21st 2007, 12:50 am
Filed under: General

I needed to go to a client’s office down by City Hall. On a whim, I decided to walk back to Brooklyn.

don't get attached to this bridge!
Developing feelings for the bridge will get you a ticket.

i found osama bin laden!
I discovered Osama bin Laden hiding on the bridge in plain sight.

lazy sunday early evening

manhattan bridge

bridges, roads, cars

brooklyn bridge

steel cabling

empire state building, chrysler building

early exit

High St. was somewhere under there… somewhere.

Thursday May 17th 2007, 4:23 am
Filed under: General

pseudorandomness, bracketed.

sunrise near federal plaza

bashed head


late afternoon in brooklyn

come to the wall, catch a disease!

oil flame

sunset near federal plaza