p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Wednesday October 07th 2015, 12:20 am
Filed under: General

(Aug 18) Somehow it has become August already.

generally they prefer to be apart
They can’t decide if they like being together or not

A reminder of Junior turned up in the street in front of the house

what a mess
The reactor went critical shortly after going empty

i later saw the kid pulling them all off
Someone’s friends pranked them

he's funny like that
Romeo is spending time with me again

Sunday May 24th 2015, 1:04 pm
Filed under: General

(May 4) Like that, suddenly, he was gone. I told him his singing always gets him in trouble. That’s because he only sings when he’s using. I took him to work at six o’clock, when he returned in the evening, one short argument later he was out.

or something

he got no better at all
In two years the only commitment he made was to the gym

this is what a life of lies looks like

heroin is apparently cheaper than pharmecuticals
We’re pretty sure he’s not going to reach 30