(June 20) A few shots from the subway station, and people.
My back hurt, it was time to leave the Mermaid Parade.
Not the makeout tunnel, but it was today.
Sometimes I post the blurry ones because I like the way they look, sometimes because it’s all I have.
(June 20) Despite the rain, I was determined to see the Mermaid Parade. When I got there, I got close to the street, but this girl in front of me leaned her umbrella forward so that it was hard to see, when she wasn’t bashing other people in the head with it.
There were a lot of people here for a parade in the rain.
Tim knows all about the rollercoaster of love.
The pirates were at the beach instead of the bay.
Unsurprisingly, the Marty Markowitz contingent was present and accounted for.
Hot tar sundaes, a New York City tradition.
A subtle car, for a subtle parade.
Out of work models want you to show you their tits.
I’ll bet he had sore feet when it was over.
(September 6) I had never been to Astroland in Coney Island, and on the day before it is apparently this this time for reals, closing, I decided to go get photos. In the rain. I thought there was something apropos about the remnants of a large storm blowing through at the end.
The Cyclone and the Wonder Wheel have landmark protection and will remain. Not sure how that’s going to work out.
I shared the boardwalk with maybe a half dozen other people.
This is probably where Tony_M went to play as a child.
Oddly enough, I ran into the architect of the US economy for the past 30 years. You’d have thought he had more important things to do right around now.
The rocket to somewhere, but not back to here.
As previously noted, the gift shop marks the end of the event.
And so thus ends our tour of of world famous Astroland on the Coney Island boardwalk.
Heading back to the subway, I passed what I think is the Nathan’s mothership
And their Countdown to Gluttony
Back out into the rain on Smith St.
I suppose the rain is good for something
This cone has known better days. I understand how it feels.
Somehow, really don’t think the Gowanus Canal has any chance of being non-toxic any time in the foreseeable future.