p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Tuesday June 09th 2015, 1:26 am
Filed under: General

(May 16) Now that Junior and Kevin are gone, it’s quiet here. (and the house is a lot less messy) For how long?

billy level attached
He’s getting pretty attached to me.

but this little boy had some bad breaks
I didn’t want another dog

he looks like the dog strangers think they see when they look at him
Speaking of another dog… I love how Romeo looks when he runs.

sure looks scary here
He’s so gentle and mellow, he lets other dogs stick their heads in his food bowl while he’s eating.

i am trapped in the darkness

never reaching the other side
Back and forth along the curve,

Wednesday May 27th 2015, 12:22 pm
Filed under: General

(May 15) I’ve gone to the dogs.

he's started using my chest as a pillow at night
I think we’ve reached the point where I can’t leave him behind

just like billy used to do
He’s taken to following me around

my little boy
It would be wrong to leave him, especially here.

pete always chooses the easy thing over the right thing
To be honest, I don’t trust Pete to do right by Romeo either.

Saturday April 18th 2015, 7:54 pm
Filed under: General

(Apr 18) Nothing is happening. Like, nothing.

must. maintain. contact. all. times.
This is something everyone with a dog understands


better than crime, right?
Nail clipping continues to plague the subway

the belly's not going to rub itself, yo.
Someone wants something

i wonder though if all anyone else sees is blurry
I like these blurry, artsy things

they're very me, somehow
I like these kicks

ugh and smile
See what I did there?

Wednesday March 25th 2015, 12:00 am
Filed under: General

(Feb 27) A comparison. A cake. A comparison of cake.

night scene
Phone camera

same night scene, different camera

you know what the cake is
So it is written

you know it's good ...
Phone camera

... because it's blue, bitch!
I can’t tell what’s crap until it’s on the computer

the snowpocalypse is nigh!
Hide under the covers!

Tuesday March 24th 2015, 11:57 pm
Filed under: General

(Feb 15) Or at least the dogs seem to think so. Did you know there’s prime real estate on a bed? The dogs both seem to know about that too.

I think I will refrain from again talking of moving until it is underway

also spoiled
But one last update is coming, for the photo has already been taken