(May 16) Now that Junior and Kevin are gone, it’s quiet here. (and the house is a lot less messy) For how long?
He’s getting pretty attached to me.
Speaking of another dog… I love how Romeo looks when he runs.
He’s so gentle and mellow, he lets other dogs stick their heads in his food bowl while he’s eating.
Back and forth along the curve,
(May 15) I’ve gone to the dogs.
I think we’ve reached the point where I can’t leave him behind
He’s taken to following me around
It would be wrong to leave him, especially here.
To be honest, I don’t trust Pete to do right by Romeo either.
(Apr 18) Nothing is happening. Like, nothing.
This is something everyone with a dog understands
Nail clipping continues to plague the subway
I like these blurry, artsy things
(Feb 27) A comparison. A cake. A comparison of cake.
I can’t tell what’s crap until it’s on the computer
(Feb 15) Or at least the dogs seem to think so. Did you know there’s prime real estate on a bed? The dogs both seem to know about that too.
I think I will refrain from again talking of moving until it is underway
But one last update is coming, for the photo has already been taken