p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.


Wednesday October 29th 2008, 3:00 pm
Filed under: General

(September 21) On the way home from the San Gennaro Festival, I took some shots as best I could of the new work going on inside a fenced in area on President St.

walking home

new work

that's really bad for his hearing

My father had one just like this, if I remember correctly.

Everything but the Impala is fair game in here.

Surely no one has gone barefoot here and lived.

Protected by sniper fire.

voodoo the egg man do
“The Egg Man” lives on my block.

Tuesday October 14th 2008, 6:00 pm
Filed under: General

(September 21) Pete called and said “I’m in Little Italy, come meet me.”


san gennaro festival
The neighborhood doesn’t like it. You think?

a bozo, made up as a clown
Drown The Clown, a regular at this festival.

it's all about the food
There’s a reason it’s called a feast.

fried everything
Lots of food. Lots of fried food.

dead muppets
Elmo and Cookie Monster learned the hard way, nobody likes a snitch.

business was brisk
It was packed with food and people.

ferris wheel
It’s always strange to see a Ferris Wheel on a city street.

Around all this food, Pete is truly loving life.

Brought to you by, High Fructose Corn Syrup…

daishi tells me italians love fried food
… fried food, …

italian musicians
… and some Italian guys.

Time to leave Little Italy.

Oh, and I didn’t know Tony had a gift shop. Invoking the Pseudoreal Rule of Gift Shops, thus ends the 2008 Feast of San Gennaro Festival.

Monday October 13th 2008, 10:51 pm
Filed under: General

(September 20) Dragged myself to Software Freedom Day Party at Limewire, having pitched it all week to various parties. A few hours walking around with my bad back was enough, but it was well worth going.

The rooftop at Limewire is suh-weet,

empire state building
The view ain’t too shabby either,

paul garrin
Met some new interesting people, like Paul Garrin,

Saw familiar interesting people, like Forest Mars and Sunny Dubey,

eben moglen, defender of the faith
Heard Eben Moglen speak,

Saw friends, like Tony_M, (right)

"evil dave williams"
I finally “met” people I already knew, like Dave Williams,

the streets always have traffic
Took in more of the view,

jay sulzburger approved bathroom
And finally saw the bathrooms Jay Sulzburger spoke so avidly of.

Saturday October 04th 2008, 11:30 am
Filed under: General

(September 16,17)

hudson st.
Outside the Hudson Park Library

signs of change
More change in the neighborhood

water on the g line
Another trip to Williamsburg

the hazard is you!
I’ve never heard of the Subway Sun

cement graffitti
Just like politics, all graffitti is local

torn asunder
It’s all mixed up

bubble worlds
What is Hebrew for “Post No Bills”?

Friday October 03rd 2008, 11:57 pm
Filed under: General

(September 11) This year, I had the same camera as last year, but in the end I decided to go take some photos again this year, and Viza was looking for an excuse to get out of the house, so he came along with me. In the third year I’ve been around to see the lights, I already know that the ideal forecast is party cloudy, and this year we were lucky.

fire station memorial
Outside the fire station on Carroll & Bond

From the Gowanus Canal

Viza and I wait for the subway

a moment in time
I literally heard this scene calling out to be photographed. Is that how it works for people with talent? I’ve always wondered.

ground 0
Seven years later, there’s still a whole lotta nothing here

lit-up front


blank walls = blank minds
The sages of the World Trade Center speak to us

from the base

from behind the trees