p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.


Sunday January 02nd 2011, 1:31 am
Filed under: General

Happy Fucking New Year (Again).

(November 14) Last day in Port Jefferson. My new learner’s permit arrives after expiring in August.

passable nasal passages
The only real value I’ve gotten from my permit (now license) straight into 2011 is I can buy my own pseudoephedrine.

What’s the story, morning glory?

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Monday December 20th 2010, 2:18 am
Filed under: General

(October 31) Went to see Ruth. The host had a doorman this time. I walked the 40 blocks to save $4.50, and none of the return trains took tickets, so the total cost of the trip… $10.75.


And somehow

Here I am again

Taking pictures

of the Empire State Building

and the Chrysler Building

Like so many times before.

But this is new (to me)… presumably not named after the gay alien on American Dad

Monday December 13th 2010, 11:15 pm
Filed under: General

(October 27) When I looked up, there was a rainbow.

there was a rainbow here, i swear!
By the time I got my camera out of my backpack and turned on… not so much.

totally realistic rainbow
I have provided this lifelike simulation to help you imagine it.

Friday December 03rd 2010, 2:53 pm
Filed under: General

(October 23) To the city I go again. This time my travels bring me to 42nd St.

subway platform
What for me, is becoming an obligatory shot.

new year's eve theme?
The prelude to an unintended pregnancy.

he's about to be hit by the arrow!!!!
Drunks standing in a puddle.

Magic fairy dust?

Friday November 26th 2010, 10:04 pm
Filed under: General

(October 20) To the city I go. Noticing the weather vane doesn’t seem to be in the same location, I snap a photo.

the proud little weather vane
Originally. (2003)

woe is vane
Then later. (2008)

a little diminished
And now. (2010)