p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.


Wednesday November 13th 2013, 12:00 am
Filed under: General

(Oct 19) Preed came to town. So much happens when he’s here. Much much more than happens in several months lately.

or rather the message is
Sometimes the signs are unclear.

does it mean i'm still a geek that i found a discussion of content delivery networks interesting?
We began the weekend with…

with extra etsy!
The days of the DevOps

aside from elaborate
We visited the Museum of the Moving Image, in Astoria. I forget what this thing is,

it reminds me of nan
but the model is very elaborate

names from the past
Another reminder of the Honeymooner’s. The second one recently.

barbie, sadly, was killed within 60 seconds of beaming over to the funhouse.  never ever wear the red uniform on 1960's star trek.
Ken needs to make sure Barbie doesn’t end up alone with Shatner

travis bickle is not pleased
No photos at the Breaking Bad “exhibition” wedged into a corner

Tuesday November 12th 2013, 11:18 pm
Filed under: General

(Oct 8) Starts and fits. Lots of negativity from friends. Yay autumn.

My grandmother grew these. I can’t remember the name of it.

where the residents never complain
Past Pinelawn

...for death causes construction to take place
The road to the dead is closed

from the bottom and to the left
Today the signs say… peeling

the piles, they will be driven
There’s always construction going on here

Thursday October 31st 2013, 11:45 pm
Filed under: General

(Oct 31) No Halloween Parade for me this year, either. 🙁

before there was cord-cutting, there was 'antenna cutting'
I remember when these were ‘new’ gadgets

Saturday September 28th 2013, 12:01 am
Filed under: General

(Sep 12) An event complete, must be unwound.

fitting the store gets headline billing
The real story of this museum isn’t 9/11, but money.

when the garbage scows roam
Nighttime in the subway

I wonder what the eagle is about?

east side rulez!
This time, from the other side

empty tunnel
The city that never sleeps, sleeping.

anyone /thanking heaven for seven eleven/?
Suburbia intrudes

It is impossible not to notice the sidewalk cows have all gone home

Where do you want to go today?

the journey's not over, but this is where it ends.
I note, nothing going to Port Jefferson. The Ronkonkoma line gets much more love.

Thursday September 26th 2013, 12:00 am
Filed under: General

(Sep 12) The touchstone of the year for me, has turned out to be whether or not I got into the city to photograph the Tribute in Light with the ubercamera. This isn’t the first trip the camera has made for this purpose, but the weather was uncooperative last time. I would have considered this a failure to execute, had I not made it in, or if I’d returned with the same photos as before.

but... but... but it's only 30% fraud!
It is a poor substitute for what was lost. It isn’t really even as tall as the old One World Trade Center was, but it lacks the gravity of the Twins, and pretends to be much taller than the Twins were. Sadly, New York’s new signature building is a poseur.

unappreciated in their time
Reminders of the true giants that stood in the neighborhood.

though it is quite a sight up close
Viza is right, the effect wears off over time. For me it’s the point of doing it, more than seeing it.

moving on
Odds are, I’ll never be walking around in this specific location again.

the symbol of a time of lowered expectations
The symbol of our era of decline. Less than half of what there used to be where you can see it, everything else close to ground.

and the stars
Once we reached for the sun,

coming back down

all light, but no substance
We just fake it.

To be continued one more time…