p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.


Monday July 16th 2012, 10:34 pm
Filed under: General

(Feb 15) A somewhat typical day.

mr. squirrel
The rats of the suburbs

mr. plane
This plane kept flying around

mr. flower
It was a pizza at Colosseo’s for dinner night

Sunday July 15th 2012, 4:32 pm
Filed under: General

(Feb 7) To the city and back.

it is blue
We meet again, old friend.

electric go bye bye
Hicksville. No, really.

moon over hicksville
It appears to be full

on the way to somewhere else
I wait, and watch the cars go by

diesel locomotion
Until it arrives, and I depart.

Friday July 13th 2012, 11:49 pm
Filed under: General

(Jan 29) Living just around the corner from the old ‘hood, it seemed odd not to have returned, ubercamera in hand. I retraced some familiar steps, saw more things that are very different and haven’t changed.

arr gee bee
But first, for most of you, if you look really closely…
This is what pseudoreal really looks like

This view, hasn’t changed a bit
I walked here with Billy countless times

smokestacks make the lights go
The power plant hasn’t changed either

i skated down backwards
Before I moved into this neighborhood the first time, this was part of my rollerblading course

you can't go home again
Now it’s just part of the past

Thursday July 12th 2012, 4:16 pm
Filed under: General

(Jan 18) Somehow, between my last post and this one, I apparently took 100 photos I didn’t save. I’m quite sure I have no idea what that’s about. I revisited some familiar places.

and pooped for eight years
The house where Billy chased his Kong

the fake brick is pretty awful though
It hasn’t changed much

"on time is whatever we say it is"
Things come and go, and and come and go again

and it's as empty there as it ever was
The building in the foreground is new, it just doesn’t feel like change.

signs of sadness
A former housemate puts the Will G. stickers up. He says it is to honor his son, which is of course a nonsense excuse for defacing things. But for those in the know, it expresses how much he misses his kid.

Go and Stop. A metaphor for my life.

Wednesday July 11th 2012, 3:12 am
Filed under: General

(Jan 8) Suddenly, nothing happened. I am still in Port Jefferson, apparently for the year. But it doesn’t feel like home either.

There’s been a fire

it wasn't a residence, whatever it was
I don’t really remember what was here.

Through the woods

Past the train yard

for now
Toward where I sleep