p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.


Wednesday October 07th 2015, 12:20 am
Filed under: General

(Aug 18) Somehow it has become August already.

generally they prefer to be apart
They can’t decide if they like being together or not

A reminder of Junior turned up in the street in front of the house

what a mess
The reactor went critical shortly after going empty

i later saw the kid pulling them all off
Someone’s friends pranked them

he's funny like that
Romeo is spending time with me again

Sunday October 04th 2015, 1:56 am
Filed under: General

(Jul 30) July was all about the fail. Nothing much got done. The perfect middle of the Summer That Wasn’t.

gone and forgotten in moments
When I die, this will be the mark I leave behind

crawling about
The creatures of summer are everywhere

i rue the summer train schedule
There’s been a lot of waiting here

maybe they're mine
Someone has lost their screws

fucked up and wrong
These photos inexplicably continue to sum up my present existence perfectly

hello, i'd like to speak to the 80's please.
Is there help on the other end of that line?

massive warby parker fail
The eyeglasses that weren’t meant to be.

Wednesday September 30th 2015, 11:23 am
Filed under: General

(Jun 29) He doesn’t do much.

soaking up the sun
In fact this is about all he does

But it’s enough

sand and pebbles
These boulders are not as they appear

Monday August 24th 2015, 8:13 pm
Filed under: General

(Jun 23) The sky is angry tonight.

They do taste sweet, actually

must be a politician living there
Paved, for no apparent reason

angry sky
We had a ‘thunderstorm sunset’

but who knows?
My recollection is the last photo was more color-accurate

so was the lightning
It was striking

Wednesday July 15th 2015, 11:50 am
Filed under: General

(Jun 14) Dogs, dogs, dogs.

probably looking for the only thing he cares about ... food
Romeo surveys the yard

it reminds me of a horse running
You should see Atlas run

mini mothra

doggies in motion
Don’t they look crazed?

disclaimer: sticker contains 0% actual danger
Mo danger, mo problems?

this isn't a bad place to be a dog
I think he finally realizes he’s got a home again

it was like a prison for dogs
He wasn’t treated very well in his last place of residence