Manhunt, West Village.
June 2.
Walking through Chinatown.
Lin Ze Xu.
In Chinatown, even the Golden Arches are labeled in Chinese.
Slipping out of Chinatown into Little Italy,
I wandered past two of these. Scary.
What is this, a drunken pixie?
Walking to Washington Square Park,
I took an obligatory photo of the arch.
I notice it says The World War.
The fountain at Washington Sq. Park.
The Empire State Building, lit up.
And finally, back down to Penn Station to catch a train home.
I needed to deposit a check, so I took a walk along the creek.
June 1.
Underwater plants in the creek.
A trick of the light and water.
The reeds.
A blossom.
I’ll bet you’d never guess there’s an electric transformer under that fake rock.
No, of course not.
The poppy.
Some purple flowers.
Some yellow flowers.