p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Tuesday October 05th 2010, 2:01 am
Filed under: General

Wrapping up August was another trip to …

Central Park

pete and the tree
Pete wanted me to take his picture next to that tree. So here it is.

Pete knows this girl from his trips to the park without me. I don’t remember her name.

She’s got good balance

attack of the killer bubbles
This poor kid was swallowed whole by a bubble. Nobody tried to save him, they all just watched him get devoured.

tavern on the renovation
The re-becoming something is well underway

leaving the park
And then it was time to leave

But not without a little street time first. (it’s a video)

Saturday September 04th 2010, 1:38 am
Filed under: General

Every now and then, I escape back to the city where I belong.

passed out behind the garbage pail
Instead of being the train home to Brooklyn, now it’s the train to the city.
The number of drunks and bums Father Frank’s homeless shelter attracts to the area seems to have steadily risen over time. Now they’re passed out all over the train station day and night.

the finger
I prefer this city greeting to the drunks sprawled out on the platform in Port Jeff

beacon in the darkness
Hello ESB, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again.

or moving vehicles
The city is full of ghosts

not to be confused with 'babes in toyland'
The Endless March of the Yellow Cabs

br0ke sign
It is now safe to walk uphill.

Thursday March 05th 2009, 4:16 am
Filed under: General

No Dorkbot for me this month. Larry invited me to tag along at an art exhibition.

On the way to the Armory, I passed this collection of dismembered cattle.

Apparently you could go inside, but there wasn’t time.

it looks like a vagina, right?
There were paintings.

this looks like the prize in the new hip teen version of cracker jack
There were naked women.

a little bit of burning man in new york city?
There were machines.

spinny lighty thingy
(click on this one to see it in action)

bring me the skull of the golden child!
There were skulls.

There were anatomically correct sleeping figures.

There were skeletons.

teeny, tiny, peoples
And there were people.

Friday November 28th 2008, 12:45 am
Filed under: General

(November 12 & 15) I don’t think there had been any “unorganized” protest marches in this city since my arrival, but during the week of November 12 there were two.

The first was at night, in midtown Manhattan.

street closed
It shut down Broadway.

Three days later, there was another, this one downtown.

It sort of shut down Broadway.

I couldn’t tell how big this one was.