Monday September 08th 2008, 10:52 am
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(August 30) Visit to the Manhattan Bridge, walking from DUMBO, Brooklyn to Chinatown, Manhattan, continued.

Span of the Brooklyn Bridge

More advice from the sages that inhabit the metropolitan area bridges

… you rawr, we all rawr

I’ll bet it says that to everyone on the bridge


Can you tell it’s not Beijing?

Almost there now!

Homer Simpson says buy something!

Peking duck? (Peking Pork?)

The end of any adventure. The gift shop.
Saturday September 06th 2008, 8:22 am
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(August 30) Viza will be pleased to know that having walked the Brooklyn and Williamsburg bridges, that I finally went to the Brooklyn end of the Manhattan Bridge, and ventured across. I had planned on exploring further into Manhattan, but I was pretty tired by the time I stepped off the bridge in Chinatown. I need to return to Chinatown with my camera again.

When last I saw the Manhattan Bridge, it was from the grounds of Brooklyn Bridge Park.

I walked past this on my way to the F station.
At what point do we stop pretending blogs aren’t mainstream even if the vast majority of people don’t have one?

The plaza at the foot of the steps.

This is much nicer than the entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge.
Unfortunately, this would prove to be the only win for the Manhattan Bridge,
It suffers from the visual pollution of chain link fence,
meaning the view seen through my camera far exceeds what reality provides.

Unlike the Brooklyn and Williamsburg bridges, the bike lanes in both directions are together, as are the walkways.

One of the defining characteristics of this neighborhood is the unusually large number of skybridges, which link the many Watchtower Buildings.

You get an interesting view from up here, like of rooftop tennis courts

In a city of eight million people, someone’s always thinking something very similar to what you’re thinking

I’m a kid from the suburbs, and the woods this is not.
But if I were going to waste a lot of money living in the city,
I wouldn’t mind having one of these rooftop gardens

On this bridge you’ll see no traffic at all.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said about seeing subways trains.

I’ll bet the views from these are great

The pigeon, who laughs at the locked gates, mocked me

I wouldn’t mind having rooftop access, period, like these people

We can only hope the Water Taxi is more safely operated than the street taxis are

I’m getting the impression it’s non-stop weddings at this spot of the park

Brooklyn Bridge Park

The idea of East River water touching my body creeps me out

Part two coming soon.
Monday September 01st 2008, 10:44 pm
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(August 16) Yes, I am still posting about August 16th. (I finally remembered to tag the DUMBO photos though) The day that started out as a small trip to DUMBO to snap a few photos of the Revs sculpture before it is stolen into the private market, didn’t end with me walking back from the mural and heading straight to the York St. Station. Upon seeing one of the Manhattan “waterfalls”, I decided to go visit the trees that are being killed by the Brooklyn Bridge “waterfall”.

As it turned out, the place was full of photographers

Under the Brooklyn Bridge, on the shores of the East River,
you’ll find Brooklyn Bridge Park

Lots of people were sitting around here listening to the waves

The park is presently full of artwork that has a “recycled feel” to it

There’s lots of great views of the Manhattan Bridge here

It seems to be a popular destination and hangout

There’s also a lot of good views of the Brooklyn Bridge

As I would later find out, this seems to be the place to have weddings

The MetLife blimp was in town

Finally, I reached my destination, the trees being poisoned
by the spray from the “waterfall”

And there’s the tree killer, caught in the act

This thing (“(untitled)”) reminds me of candy dishes for some reason

That green dot is me, the dark spot is “(untitled)” above.
This ends my story about August 16th. I just realized I forgot to post my trip to Prospect Park in July. I guess that’s coming next.
Saturday November 03rd 2007, 4:32 pm
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The original plan, as usual, was to go to the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade, but as usual, that wasn’t to be. Wednesday morning involved wrapping up a nearly sleepless mess that began Sunday. The best I could do, was follow-through on plans to photograph a lit Empire State Building at dawn. Normally the ESB lights are turned off at midnight, but for Young Frankenstein on Broadway, it was left on overnight.

At long last, my nightmare was over.
Frau Blücher would approve. (cue whinny)

The first sign of dawn was just before 6:45am.

The clouds clung to the darkness

Downtown sparkled in the sunrise

Facing midtown, it was still pretty dark

Rising by the Manhattan Bridge

The colors were striking

Another letter to someone. I see a lot of those here.

The sun continued to push its way up.

The light chased the darkness from the clouds.

In the west, you could barely see the orange lights anymore.

Although the sun itself was yet to be visible from the bridge, it was time to go.
Monday May 21st 2007, 12:50 am
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I needed to go to a client’s office down by City Hall. On a whim, I decided to walk back to Brooklyn.

Developing feelings for the bridge will get you a ticket.

I discovered Osama bin Laden hiding on the bridge in plain sight.

High St. was somewhere under there… somewhere.