p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Friday June 29th 2012, 1:08 am
Filed under: General

(Nov 7) Part Two of the Bubble Experiments. This is the last.

and driving requires focus
Ironically, the car has made my world smaller.

the familiar
This has sent me in search of

the nearby
Things overlooked

what's in front of my face
In my living spaces.

watching bubbles
So here we are

fizzy water

at a dollar a bottle
The bubbles go by

Springing into being

and then
And then

Just as suddenly

running away
Racing to the top

going flat
And bursting out of existence.

Friday June 29th 2012, 12:29 am
Filed under: General

(Nov 7) At last, the end of the Bubble Experiments. Two sets. This is the first.

In the beginning

how many are there?
there were bubbles

you know how many there are?
and more bubbles

quite the many
it was an effervescent experience.