p s e u d o r e a l

Better Than Real Because It's Not.

Thursday September 04th 2008, 12:12 am

(August 17) Since most of my visits to Central Park don’t involve leaving the street loops around it, I decided to look around the inside of the park a little.

what's that penned onto the ad?
If you’re paying attention, the sages of Brooklyn
have critiqued this ad for your sarcastic amusement

ha ha ha
It’s probably true

boobie fountain
Pulitzer Fountain

scourge of the south
General Sherman, not so beloved below the Mason-Dixon line.

it's made of stars
It lights up when someone stands in the doorway

but are there clowns?
Mini amusement park

There’s a large number of statues lining the path

the bard

Walter Scott

Robert Burns

Fitz Greene Halleck

look out for the gators!
The bayou of Central Park

row row row your boat...

pro greensward balloon

there's always people dancing here
Dancing in the park

I followed a path into what turned out to be The Ramble

is your path rocky?

at least there's no toll
Timothy Laupot bridge

compare and contrast
Only a few feet from Manhattan, I exited out onto the street

the donald is everywhere
Trump International (Hotel)

mta: meeting your expectations, every day
I was wondering how long would pass before I saw this on one of the new screens

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